Dr. Mark Lerner is a clinical, school, and forensic psychologist, author, speaker, and international consultant who focuses on helping people through challenging times.
As chairman & CEO of The National Center for Emotional Wellness, Inc., Dr. Lerner has been called upon to consult with and train organizations around the world. He has worked with the FBI, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the United Nations, where he serves as an Expert Consultant with the United Nations Department of Safety & Security. He has additionally worked with numerous schools and staff at children’s hospitals, internationally.
For additional information about Dr. Lerner, please visit MarkLerner.com
PMI link: https://pmi2023.rsvpify.com/?securityToken=D9NtdnozKRyEG7qJfp4HgMwMuvK43pZYuZpLQkjN1WQYOd8d3u4hV6Q9uDue9I7CXeChevcjJd5E0KJOlunPUuwdiLrSyzOaSY44rv9bWRiKJaF7mrcbksOMhtQlW4yV
Lia Gaggino from Pediatric Meltdown: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ejl6mzw57c6f6d1b&llr=9tyljjfbb
58th Postgraduate Pediatric Course Coral Gabbles with Dr. Rani et al: https://cme.nicklauschildrens.org/ppgc
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